WeStopFear front page image group of animals scared of noises

Save your pet
(any type)
or horse
from FEAR

Access the new and innovative solutions designed to help your pet or horse be less likely to be affected by illogical fear of noises, which can be a serious burden for them and you.

WeStopFear front page image group of animals scared of noises

Noise Phobia

Noise phobia is illogical fear of sounds that we humans know are harmless, but our pets and horses don't necessarily know that. Out in nature, animals are programmed to be wary of unknown sounds, and to flee quickly. They can feel stuck, and panic, as they cannot easily flee in our care.


Up to 50% of dogs, 60% of pets and 80% of horses can have anything from saddening anxiety, to frantic fear when they hear unknown noises. This can at best rob you and your animal of daily joy.

From saddening to very serious

The worst cases can be very serious, with injury or damage for animal or owner, animals fleeing and getting lost, or even death. There is no way to know beforehand which individual will encounter this problem, and likelihood increases with higher age.


Any caregiver of animals who rely on their love for their survival and happiness wants to help being free from this problem. The method to deal with this or prevent is called noise phobia therapy. The method to deal with this or prevent is called noise phobia therapy.

Potentially scary sounds are played for the pet or horse following a simple system: Starting at a very low volume, and gradually over weeks increasing the volume until it is at full volume. In the end, it has gotten used to the sound and has realized that there is no danger. Instead of taking it by surprise and causing anxiety, the sounds now don’t matter at all.


WeStopFear has carefully analyzed the classical process, and believes it has drawbacks that are vital to address.

Five animals free: dog, horse, cat, bird and guinea pig


WeStopFear™ has developed a new technical therapy process, designed with the goal that the majority of users will hopefully see it as easier, simpler, safer, more natural and more bearable. The therapy is in five steps, with guided access. The system is called Simple Secure Steps™.

Member's website with audio players

WeStopFear is a member's website with Internet-streaming audio players. It is thus similar to music streaming websites. 

You can use your mobile device, with a wireless connection, or wired connection, to good loudspeakers that can deliver the sounds at good quality and volume. You can also use a computer connected to good loudspeakers. If you want to play MP3 files in a device not connected to the Internet, or even burn your own CDs, then that is an upgrade option.

Simpler and safer

A key innovation is that the volume level of the therapy sounds is pre-set to the correct volume at each step. This simplifies greatly the task of managing the volume, and increases safety. You also get access to the right step, one after the other, so you don't have to think and organize as much as in the classical noise phobia therapy method.

WeStopFear is the most comprehensive system ever offered, with the largest offering of therapy sounds and solutions for all types of pets and horses.

Five animals free: dog, horse, cat, bird and guinea pig

Join or explore your type

WeStopFear comes in three programs. You can choose any program according to your preferences or budget as all programs included solutions for all types of pets and horses. However, a certain program is recommended (developed for) each type. 

  • More Program is for pets mainly kept inside the home.
  • Advanced Program is for pets that are also outside, for instance on city streets.
  • Full Care is the most comprehensive ever offered, for horses (and riders), and specially trained dogs.

Click on your type to explore, or view basic information below on this page.

WeStopFear Dogs links icon

Recommended program for dogs: Advanced

WeStopFear Horses links icon

Recommended program for horses: Full Care

outdoor cats icon

Recommended program for outdoor cats: Advanced

indoor cats icon

Recommended program for indoor cats: More

WeStopFear Birds links icon

Recommended program for pet birds: More

WeStopFear Small Pets links icon

Recommended program for small mammals: More

WeStopFear Exotic Pets links icon

Recommended program for exotic pets: More

Various types including outdoor pets: Advanced

Various types including indoor pets: More

WeStopFear special trained service dogs icon

Recommended for specially trained service dogs: Full Care

Horses and various types of pets icon png transparent

Recommended for owners of horses AND pets: Full Care

WeStopFear is systematically designed for improvement

The most extensive noise phobia therapy solution in history and the first innovation in this field since around 2010 that we know of.

WeStopFear noise phobia therapy logo 700px png transpar

Safer for your pet or horse

Possible mistakes are “designed out” of the process and made close-to-impossible. Natural Intervals make it more likely that you all will endure the process well. With future maintenance of success.

Simpler and easier for you

The innovations of Volume Anchor, Ascending Loudness, Timed Access and Natural Intervals make these Simple Secure Steps easier, simpler and safer for you to implement.

All types interfaces

For ALL types of pets and horses. User experience, graphics, extensive instructions, and list of fear signs are focused for each animal type. You will feel “at home” with your type.

WeStopFear is the most comprehensive solutions ever offered:

Key features

  • Largest number of therapy sounds, random play and choose custom playlist
  • Therapy sounds with Volume Anchor™ and correct volume pre-set, in steps
  • Includes solutions for all types of pets and horses, a first in history
  • With customized therapy areas, instructions and fear signs for all types
  • Natural Intervals™ (silences) after each sound, and Timed Access™
  • Counter conditioning and innovative video therapy
  • Reminders, encouragement, and future Maintain Success stage
  • Basic is self-service. File downloads are upgrade. Premium has personal support tickets, file downloads and ebook club.
Image of a group of pets

Is your pet or horse in danger of having this problem?

Hopefully not but it is possible. We cannot tell which (type) will encounter this or when. Although fireworks, thunder and traffic are common, then any sound can cause problems.

The most logical thing for you is to conduct this type of therapy to prevent it. This makes it a less likely problem.

Is your pet or horse already fearful?

If so, then necessary to conduct this therapy to heal the situation.

Image of a group of pets
Simple Secure Steps and four factors logos vertical
Simple Secure Steps and four factors logos vertical

Innovations of WeStopFear

All noise phobia therapy products work if done correctly. However, WeStopFear™ includes innovations not seen before: The new Simple Secure Steps™ therapy process design has the innovations Volume Anchor™, Ascending Loudness™, Timed Access™ and Natural Intervals™. It has multiple instructions and videos, reminder system, and it is more comprehensive than any solution that has been available before.

Pricing for all

Monthly prices for online training are often $20-30(without personal one-on-one support), and a single in-person session can cost $350. The prices for WeStopFear programs, especially annual subscriptions, is way below these numbers. The goal is to offer WeStopFear at a very manageable cost. If the member does not want or cannot enter a paid program, then a free program will be available at Noise Phobia Free.

hand holding smart phone with audio player and loudspeaker behind

Simple equipment

You can use your smartphone, tablet or computer to stream the sounds over the Internet. With this you need a good quality loudspeaker(s) with realistic volume, either wireless or connected with speaker cables.

If you want to play without being connected, from an MP3 playing device or even burn your CDs, then you can upgrade to MP3 and MP4 files download additionally.

Don’t procrastinate

This problem can come any day and is unannounced. The likelihood increases with higher age Thus, it is not so that if your dog has reached a certain age then it is safe.

hand holding smart phone with audio player and loudspeaker behind
Image of a horse, dog, cat and rabbit

Start today!

If you don't do anything, your pet or horse continues to be at the same risk as before. There is nothing protecting it from this problem.

You can cancel any time without any questions asked. So don’t postpone starting to take care of this issue for your beloved pet or horse.

This problem can arise at any time, unannounced, and to any pet or horse.

Select and join or explore your type

Three programs to choose

WeStopFear comes in three programs. You can choose any program according to your preferences or budget as all programs included solutions for all types of pets and horses. However, a certain program is recommended (developed for) each type. 

WeStopFear three programs icons More, Advanced and Full Care

  • More Program is for pets mainly kept inside the home.
  • Advanced Program is for pets that are also outside, for instance on city streets (mainly dogs and outdoor cats).
  • Full Care is the most comprehensive ever offered, for horses (and riders), and is also a good option for specially trained dogs.

Members with both horses and pets will run two solutions, in the home, and the horse stalls. This is included without extra cost.

Options based on service level

Upgrade options are offered in all programs, based on the level of personal attention the member wishes to enjoy:


The basic programs are self-service where the members manage their own process and find their information among the extensive instructions and training / onboarding videos. Those members can submit suggestions for improvements of the instructions. But submitting support tickets to get personal answers about their specific situations is not included.


Premium upgrade includes all basic options, and also submitting support tickets to get personal one-on-one answers to questions about the program and solutions, and about their specific situations (up to 3 request per week). Premium also includes the option to download MP3 audio files/MP4 video therapy files, and the Book Club where they regularly get downloadable e-books about issues pertaining to dogs, cats, horses, small mammals and birds (with the greatest number of books being dog related).

For a limited number of members: Premium with one-on-one live Zoom/Skype calls with the founder and innovator will be available.

Members can also upgrade to download MP3 audio files/MP4 video therapy files as an additional one-time option.

More Program

The More Program is mainly for indoor pets: Indoor cats, pet birds, small mammals and exotic pets, and households with various types of indoor pets. View options.

Advanced Program

The Advanced Program is mainly for outdoor pets: Dogs, outdoor cats and households with various types of pets that include outdoor pets, i.e. dogs or outdoor cats, and those who want to give their indoor pets a little more comprehensive therapy. View options.

Full Care Program

The Full Care Program is mainly for: Horses, since a spooked horse can threaten the rider's life! It is also recommended for specially trained service dogs that need to be especially well desensitized to sounds, and those who want to give their pet the most extensive therapy available. View options.

Programs recommended for types infographic

Self-service and Premium programs

WeStopFear More self-service program icon
recommended for icons indoor cats, birds, small mammals, exotic pets

More Program


$39 charged once a year (4 months free, save 33,7%)
Basic self-service
(Excl. local VAT)

More Program


Charged monthly
equals $58.80 pr year
Basic self-service
(Excl. local VAT)

More Program


Everything in Basic self-service, plus support tickets for one-on-one answers and advice, MP3/MP4 downloads, ebook club
(Excl. local VAT)

WeStopFear Advanced self-service program icon
Dogs, Outdoor cats and various types logo

Advanced Program


$55 charged once a year (4 months free, save 33,6%)
Basic self-service
(Excl. local VAT)

Advanced Program


Charged monthly
equals $82.80 pr year
Basic self-service
(Excl. local VAT)

Advanced Program


Everything in Basic self-service, plus support tickets for one-on-one answers and advice, MP3/MP4 downloads, ebook club
(Excl. local VAT)

WeStopFear Full Care self-service program icon
WSF Full Care recommended for horses and special training dogs

Full Care Program


$79 charged once a year (4 months free, save 33,6%)
Basic self-service
(Excl. local VAT)

Full Care Program


Charged monthly
equals $118,80 pr year
Basic self-service
(Excl. local VAT)

WeStopFear Full Care premium program icon

Full Care Program


Everything in Basic self-service, plus support tickets for one-on-one answers and advice, MP3/MP4 downloads, ebook club
(Excl. local VAT)

Main Features of All Programs and Solutions

Sounds in all programs

More Program

>> Random player sounds: 44
>> Number of random playlists: 2
>> Play individual sounds: 46
>> Choose for custom playlist: 46
>> Counter conditioning sounds: 47

More Program lists of sounds

Advanced Program

>> Random player sounds: 62
>> Number of random playlists: 2
>> Play individual sounds: 77
>> Choose for custom playlist: 77
>> Counter conditioning sounds: 90

Advanced program lists of sounds

Full Care Program

>> Random player sounds: 160
>> Number of random playlists: 5
>> Play individual sounds: 184
>> Choose for custom playlist: 184
>> Counter conditioning sounds: 330 

Full Care Program lists of sounds

Features in all programs

WeStopFear is the most comprehensive noise phobia therapy system ever offered. Click here to explore features that are included in all programs.

Audio/video files downloads

Members can also upgrade to download MP3 audio files/MP4 video therapy files as an additional one-time option. See downloads overview.

Try the 5 steps audio players

There are 5 steps in the Simple Secure Steps therapy process. The sounds in the steps are the same, but the volume is pre-set correctly in each step (Ascending Volume): From very, very low in Step 1, to full natural volume in Step 5. You only get access to Step 1 in the beginning. That means that playing the sounds too loudly (overexposure) which can lead to a shock is practically impossible. Then you get access to the steps in the right order (Timed Access): To Step 2, Step 3, Step 4 and Step 5, and finally the ongoing Maintain Success stage.

WeStopFear steps icons with Maintain Success icon

The handler sets the volume of the loudspeakers, always the same volume on a particular audio playback device in a particular location. The volume is determined by playing a provided piano tune (Volume Anchor).

Those innovations, along with the Natural Intervals are developed with the hope that a large portion of people will find the Simple Secure Steps therapy process design of WeStopFear to be simpler, easier, safer, more bearable and more natural than the conventional method.

player button icon

Click here to try the Volume Anchor and samples of the five steps audio players

In the steps, the sounds are available in streaming players at the volume level of that step. On the sample page, you have five sounds in each step, under the Volume Anchor piano tune players.

Listen to the different volume levels

Click the players below to hear 3 second samples of sounds in the five steps, one right after the other. Don't do this with your animal present. 

Sorry, no results.
Please try another keyword
Sorry, no results.
Please try another keyword
Sorry, no results.
Please try another keyword

Video therapy

WeStopFear also includes an innovative Video Therapy. The Simple Secure Steps noise phobia therapy is about noises. But visual stimuli can also be scary, especially fireworks and thunder and lightning.

The experimental video therapy allows you to expose your animal to these visual stimuli with the sounds. The idea is that your animal gets used to the visual fanfare, and will possibly be less likely to become scared of the real thing.

The download upgrade includes the video MP4 files, for playback on a device not connected to the Internet.

See video therapy samples

Short comparison of  WeStopFear and conventional processes

Compare below the process steps you go through when doing the Simple Secure Steps process design of WeStopFear, and the conventional noise phobia therapy method.

WeStopFear small logo whiteback 180px

Simple Secure Steps process design systematically developed for simpler and safer process, with supportive framework and safeguards.


Not really a developed system process design. Just one audio CD or one set of MP3 files with instructions, not much changed since 1950s.

WeStopFear small logo whiteback 180px

Up to 184 therapy sounds and 329 counter conditioning sounds (in the Full Care Horses solution). The largest selection ever offered. 


Generally much fewer sounds. 37 sounds at most in dogs solutions, (and 45 sounds in one horse solution). 

WeStopFear small logo whiteback 180px

Carefully thought-out innovations developed with process analysis: Ascending Loudness, Volume Anchor, Timed Access and Natural Intervals, designed with the hope that a large part of users will find the process design to be simpler, easier, safer, more natural and more bearable.


No innovations, except availability as audio CD disc or MP3 audio files sets and instructions online. Not much changed in the basic method since 1950s.

Have you heard about this problem? A good example is when horses ran amok in London in April 2024. On your favorite search engine, try searching for keyword phrases like:

  • "dogs noise phobia" (or cat, bird, rabbit, i.e. your pet type)
  • "dog scared of sounds"(or cat, bird, rabbit, i.e. your pet type)
  • "dogs fear of fireworks and thunderstorms" (or your pet type)
  • "horses run amok London"
  • "horse loses control at king's coronation"

Select and join or explore your type

six circular images of pets and a horse set 2 back fefcf4 600px


Most frequent questions and answers

There are reviews available for previous versions of noise phobia therapy solutions by TopFauna LLC, the maker of WeStopFear. This is the website Flugeldahljod.com ("Fireworks sounds") which was a website in Iceland that featured both the classical solution and the new Simple Secure Steps therapy process design which WeStopFear features. The website became quite popular with close to 1% of households in Iceland being signed up. Users could choose which solution to try, and reviews were requested.

There are also two opinions from professionals in the US, which were requested during the development phase previously.

You can see these previous reviews here. 

WeStopFear, this website, is however brand-spanking new and has not been reviewed yet. Reviews will be asked for and will be posted as soon as they arrive. 

The answer to this question really depends on the personal preferences of each pet owner.

There are many solutions for dogs, and at least one solution for cats and horses. There have probably not been solutions offered before for the other types of pets, i.e. pet birds, small mammals and exotic pets, although there are solutions with calming music which is not the same as noise phobia therapy.

The goal with the development of the WeStopFear is to offer process steps and general solution that have the benefits that are outlined above, i.e. to be simpler, safer, easier, more natural, more bearable, etc.

The innovations, how they work, and how they are different from previous solutions, is described, among them here and here.

I would like to see WeStopFear as the kind of innovation that electric cooking stoves and ovens were in people's kitchen, or automatic transmission in cars.

Before electric, cookers and ovens were mostly heated with coal, wood, or gas. Most people think that electric stoves and ovens are easier to use, where you only have to turn a knob, and more secure. But there are people who do want to use for instance coal or wood to cook as the standard method, for instance some restaurants.

Before automatic transmissions, the gearshift in cars was manual, where you have to step on the clutch and gas, and move the stick to shift gears. Many people think that driving a car with an automatic transmission is easier, and prefer that. Still, there are people who want to drive cars with a manual transmission. That is for instance often the case for sports cars. But they are fewer than the others, main stream car drivers.

Likewise, it may be that some prefer the conventional way in noise phobia therapy. It's a question of personal choice and that is okay. But I personally believe that the majority would prefer the new Simple Secure Steps process design, and find it easier, simpler and safer. They would thus conclude that the Simple Secure Steps process is better.

Choose your pet type solution

No, it is not possible to promise a 100% success. This means that out of a group of pet owners that do this, some may not be free from these problems, while others will enjoy a safe and fearless life.

Success in this is dependent on several factors. There are six factors defined on this chart on the image below. Five of the factors are out of WeStopFear's range to manage. One of the factors is the WeStopFear solution.

The six factors of success are further explained inside the member's therapy area for each type of pet or animal.

Thus, it is not possible to promise success in this.

WeStopFear Six factors of success - dogs

Choose your pet type solution

That is a good question. To begin with, roughly around half of pets and animals may possibly have some problems  with unknown, unnatural and uncomfortable noises, from mild to serious. Around 20% may have serious problems, and around 2% may suffer in the most serious and harmful way. This problem can arise at any age.

In addition, up to 80% of horses have signs of stress or more severe fear over fireworks.

This means that the other part of pets and horses will not experience problems connected with fear of noises. That would be around half of dogs and around 20% of horses.

The point is, that you never know beforehand which group your pet is in. Will it be free of these problems, or will problems develop should the animal be facing an unfavorable noise situation?

If you do noise phobia therapy, and your pet is free from these problems, is it because the therapy was working, or is it because your pet wasn't sensitive to this in the first place?

You don't know that really.

If you decide you will not do noise phobia therapy, will your pet have problems during its life? You don't know that either.

Doing noise phobia therapy to prevent a possible problem in the future, preferably from young age but also at any age, is a prudent and responsible thing to do for your pet, just like many other things that people see as being a natural thing to do.

This is in many ways similar to when you leave your home for the day, you make sure that all windows are closed, and doors are closed and locked. Should a burglar come during the day, ensuring this will reduce the likelihood of burglary. People don't generally leave all windows open and doors unlocked or even open. If someone leaves the windows open and doors unlocked, will there be burglary during that day? That is unknown. If someone has left windows open and doors unlocked, and at the end of the day the person returns and no burglar has broken in, was it okay not to lock the doors? Would it have been a mistake to lock the doors and close windows, since it turned out that no one broke into the house during that day? Few people will probably think in that way.

Doing noise phobia therapy to prevent possible problems is like locking the door to prevent the "burglar" noise fear or noise phobia to enter the "house" of your pet.

If your pet or animal has these problems, then it is imperative to do this. However, a 100% success can never be promised, because there are several things that can affect the success, and only one of them revolves around the noise phobia therapy solution itself, as is further explained in the box next above this one, "Is 100% success certain?"

Choose your pet type solution

Extensive research has been done throughout the years and even decades on noise phobia therapy, desensitization and habituation, to prove its effectiveness to prevent or cure these problems in pets and animals (horses for instance). This is for instance mentioned here, where it says "Desensitization and habituation methods have been widely studied (Watts, 1971; Watts, 1979 & Lader, 1968) and are proven to be effective in the management of behavioral problems in animals.".

WeStopFear is basically a noise phobia therapy, and the animal has a similar experience from WeStopFear and other conventional solutions that have been available before. The difference is in the Natural Intervals that add silences of random length between the therapy noises, to make the process more natural and more bearable, (in real life, these noises don't appear in a constant succession, one after the other, and therefore the Natural Intervals were developed to better imitate reality).

The WeStopFear solution, i.e. the structural innovations in the process design, or the steps that users need to implement to deliver the noise phobia therapy to the animal, has not been clinically tested. The innovations are mostly based on logical thinking and common sense, as is described above.

The purpose of the innovation is to create a therapy process that has the goal to be simpler, easier and safer for the human handler. What the petior horse experiences isn’t different from previous therapy process designs, (except for the silences, the Natural Intervals, after each sound described above). This means that WeStopFear should not be better nor worse than pervious solutions.

It would be interesting to have the method tested by professionals or scientists. Results from such tests will surely be posted here on the website if and when that happens.

However, here it is necessary to understand what should be tested and what not. For instance, the sound files themselves that are used here are not a fixed part of the system. If someone concludes that a sound file is not of a sufficient quality, then it is easy to remove the sound file and add another one, should a better sound file be available.

What the system is about is largely the organization and process design, how the therapy process is conducted, and how sound files with different inherent loudness or volume level are prepared and made available successively during the process, i.e. where the handler has access to very low loudness levels at the start, and has access to full loudness levels only after some time has passed, and the handler has gone through the first steps where lower loudness levels are available.

Also, the success level of doing this is based on various factors, as you can read more about in the FAQ item above "Is 100% success certain?"

Choose your pet type solution

The WeStopFear solution is a self-serve solution. The extensive instructions, along with the five-step system with timed access, should be enough to guide the user to do this correctly.

Managing the process it to a large extent based on the user choosing the locations and using the best audio playback devices that the user has access to, with capable loudspeakers, and also based on the user knowing and monitoring the progress with its pets or horse. This is something that cannot really be built into the WeStopFear solution.

To maximize the likelihood that the user will do this correctly and successfully, the utmost care has been put into letting the solution be as well-developed and the instructions to be as comprehensive as possible, and there will be continuous development on that, as much as is possible regarding time and economic restraints.

If the user believes that something might be added, the user can contact WeStopFear and describe the suggested addition. If the addition is deemed to be valid and realistic, then WeStopFear will develop it and add it to the system.

A solution of offering personal support and one-on-one questions and answers for an additional fee is under consideration and will be introduced  should that decision be made.

Choose your pet type solution

WeStopFear actually requires very little information from its users.

What WeStopFear needs is only a first name or nickname of choice (to make the communiacation a bit warmer and personal), and an email address, that the member is regularly checking. We also ask for information about the user's country, (but not city or full address).

The system monitors what pet- or horse-type solution the member starts, and manages the member's access to the different steps, from Step 1 to Step 5 and onto the ongoing Maintain Success phase. This is done to ensure that the pet and horse progresses correctly through the program. This information have nothing to do with the human owner.

The paid programs are managed by our partner Clickbank, which is the world's largest, oldest and possibly most respected payment processing platform with affiliate option for digital services. The member registers on Clickbank through the sales page, and submits its information there. The only information that WeStopFear receives is that a member with a particular email address is a paying member. WeStopFear has no access to any information about billing address, or payment details.

Choose your pet type solution

No. WeStopFear cannot have people logged in and using the system, without WeStopFear being able to contact all our users.

Users will receive reminders and encouragement, both when using the solution for the first time and also in the future during the future and hopefully perpetual Maintain Success stage, which should preferably continue throughout the life of the pet. These maintenance reminder emails will be sent as long as WeStopFear is operational.

Along with reminders and encouragements, the emails may also contain helpful information, special offers and discount codes, so receiving the emails has great benefits too.

Choose your pet type solution

The main way of managing the therapy process using a mobile device, when there is a connection to the Internet, is through the web browser app on the mobile device. This is because the WeStopFear solution is a website.

This means playing the sounds using the audio players embedded in the pages, which stream the sounds in real time over the Internet. This is thus similar to when people are on social media websites and are enjoying streaming content, videos and audio.

MP3, MP4 downloads and instructions

Members who on an annual payment subscription in the More, Advanced or Full Care programs can download sets of MP3 audio files, for each therapy step, sets of counter conditioning audio files, and the video therapy MP4 video files.

This is for playback on MP3 players, or video players, even if they are not connected to the Internet or outside serviced areas. The users place the audio or video files on their computers or mobile devices, and play them using the audio player and video player of their choice on their mobile device.

The lists of signs of fear and phobia, and the Quick Focus instructions, are available as PDF documents that you can download and place on your mobile device. You can then read those documents on your mobile device, when not connected to the Internet, using the PDF viewer app on your mobile device.

A WeStopFear app

There is a possibility that an app will be created later on. It would be a "progressive web application" which means it connects with a website created specially for the app. 

The app would not have an included an audio or video player, and the app will not handle the download of the audio or video files from the WeStopFear members area. This the user will do manually as before.

Further news of a possible app will be posted when and if that materializes.

Choose your pet type solution

There is not a free trial per-se. However, there is a 30 day money back guarantee, so you can try the solution for 30 days and get your money back if you don't want to continue. So that trial period has been free in the end if you decide that. Payments and refunds are handled by the payment service provider Clickbank. (WeStopFear has no access to your payment information).

Even if the Basic program is so inexpensive, that it is nearly free, then WeStopFear realizes that a large part of potential users will be interested in doing noise phobia therapy for free. Since that is the case, the goal is to set up a separate website with a simpler, 5 step Simple Secure Steps therapy organization, and offer that for free. The website will be at www.noisephobiafree.com. There is no set date as to when it will open ,but it is under construction.

With that, no one will have to deny their pet or horse benefiting from the Simple Secure Steps noise phobia therapy because of cost.

Choose your pet type solution

The audio players on the member's area therapy pages are streaming players that stream the audio files over the Internet. To play those, you need to be connected to the Internet, just like when you listen to music or watch videos on social media websites.

However, for those who want or need to be able to play the sounds without an Internet connection, there is the possibility of downloading the sounds as packs of audio MP3 files. This option is for those who are on an Annual Payment Subscription of the More, Advanced or Full Care programs.

The member can thus play the sounds on a MP3 player that is not Internet connected.

The member can also use the audio MP3 files and burn their own audio CDs. Just keep in mind that you would need a set of CDs for each of the five steps, so that could be quite a number of discs.

Choose your pet type solution

Further Reading

five types of scared pets in captive

The potentially serious problem

Noise phobia is illogical fear of sounds that we humans know are harmless, but our pets and horses don't necessarily know that. Up to 50% of dogs, 60% of pets and 80% of horses can have anything from saddening anxiety, to frantic fear when they hear unknown or unexplained noises.

This fear can be:

  • Fear of fireworks or thunderstorms
  • Fear of traffic sounds or outdoor machinery
  • Fear of vacuum cleaners or other indoor appliances
  • Fear of just about any sound

Dogs, pets and horses can get scared of just about any sound. It is simply a question of how suddenly and how uncomfortably the sound appears. When frightened, they can become irrational and less fun to be with, and even pose a danger to themselves or others.

Out in nature, they are programmed to be suspicious of unknown sounds and quickly flee for safety. In our care they are stuck in the space we assign to them. They cannot easily flee. In the worst cases, the anxiety of sounds can escalate to frantic fear or long-term phobia. If they manage to flee, they can injure themselves, injure their owners or damage property, get lost, or even face untimely death.

More about noise phobia

More about noise phobia  //  About animal types and noise phobia  //  A short essay about noise phobia and solutions: Prevalence of noise phobia, Pathophysiology, Current treatments and Advantages

five types of scared pets in captive
One audio CD one MP3 set image

The classical method with drawbacks

A simple method exists to prevent or handle this problem: Noise phobia therapy. When you are preventing this problem, it is called habituation, and when you are dealing with an already manifested problem, the method is called desensitization.

The conventional solution, developed after the 1950s, is to let the animal get used to various sounds, following a simple system of starting low and increasing the volume gradually so that they experience that nothing dangerous happens. Thus, it is less likely to be frightened when it hears the actual sounds naturally at full volume.

The solution has usually been a single audio CD or one set of downloadable audio MP3 files.

More about the classical method

More About Classical Noise Phobia Therapy

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WeStopFear believes the classical method has several drawbacks:

  • Setting the volume correctly every time over weeks can be confusing and cumbersome.
  • There is a danger of playing sounds too loudly, too early. That is called overexposure and can give the animal a shock (just like when is hears the actual sounds), leading to setback that can be time consuming to heal.
  • There is no structured system in a single audio CD or set of MP3 files, guiding the human handler through the process.
  • Modern people are busy every day with numerous chores. They hardly can do everything they want to do. Adding noise phobia therapy to their daily chores may be too much, because of a problem that may possibly happen to their pet or horse.
Modern family busy with chores 900px mobile image
WeStopFear noise phobia therapy circular logo

The new process design of WeStopFear

Simple Secure Steps logo

WeStopFear features a new process design called Simple Secure Steps™.

WeStopFear is the most comprehensive noise phobia therapy solution ever offered by a long shot. It offers solutions for practically all types of pets, and horses, which is a first in history. Each type has its own solution, with a dedicated list of signs of fear and phobia so the owner can monitor the process for its pet or horse.

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The eight type-based programs are for dogs, outdoor cats, indoor cats, horses, pet birds, small mammals, exotic pets and households with various (i.e. more than one) types of pets.

Under small mammals fall rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters.

Under the exotic pets solution are currently chinchilla, degu, fancy mice, fancy rats, fennec fox, ferret, gerbils, African pygmy hedgehog, sugarglider and pot-bellied pigs. It is easy, for that matter, to add types to the exotic pets section, if we get a list with description of fear signs.

The four innovations of the Simple Secure Steps™

The goal behind the innovations was to offer a process design that many users would hopefully see as easier, simpler, safer, more natural and more bearable than the classical method.

The innovations are based on carefully analyzing the classical therapy, and use methods of process analysis, process re-design and quality management to develop the new process architecture.

Volume Anchor logo

The Volume Anchor™ is the way of finding the right volume setting on the playback device. The setting is found by playing a piano tune. If the device has markings or numbers showing the volume, then this is needed only once for an audio device in a particular place.

Ascending Loudness logo

The sound files that the handler plays in the streaming audio player are set to the correct volume, in the five steps of the system. This is the Ascending Loudness™ factor, where the volume is very, very low in Step 1, and then gradually higher to full volume in Step 5.

The therapy system is organized so that there is Timed Access™ to the steps, with a minimum time for each step. In the beginning, you only get access to Step 1 with sounds set very, very low. The mistake of overexposure (playing too loudly early) is practically eliminated.

Natural Intervals logo

In the classical therapy method, the sounds are played directly one after another. This is unnatural, as in reality a long period can pass between sounds. The Natural Intervals™ are silences of various length after each sound, which is more realistic and bearable.

Audio device options

Five steps, simplicity and safety

WeStopFear is a member's area with Internet streaming audio players, giving easy access to the sounds to play for your animal. You can use your mobile device or computer. You will need connected to wireless or wire-connected loudspeakers with audio quality and volume that is similar to the natural sounds when they occur.

The Simple Secure Steps feature five steps, where the sound files are pre-set to the correct volume level, which is simpler for you. Access to the steps is managed, so that you only have access to the lowest sounds in the beginning. That means there is no danger of overexposure, making this safer.

WeStpFear maintain success icon

Just like you cannot learn to play a musical instrument, or become fit in the gym, and then you don't have to practice for the rest of your life, the tolerance of the animal to the sounds must be maintained. After graduating from Step 5 you enter the Maintain Success stage, which should last for all of the animal's life.

Audio device options
audio media options 400px

The main audio format is streaming audio, for playback devices connected through the Internet. This would be either through the Bluetooth or wi-fi to a wireless streaming device in the location, or through the mobile phone network. This is similar to streaming music from music streaming websites.

If you have an MP3 player not connected to the Internet, or a CD player, then there is an upgrade option to download MP3 audio files. You can play them, or burn your own CDs if you want.

However, note that you would have to burn at least one CD for each of the five steps. The download upgrade also includes download of the MP4 video files of the video therapy.

The download upgrade also includes download of the MP4 video files of the video therapy.

More about WeStopFear

A new standard practice for pets and horses  //  About Simple Secure Steps and the four innovations  //  Comparison of WeStopFear and conventional methods  //  Compare WeStopFear and solutions in the market  //  Is this new system the best method available?  //  Start when your animal is young

All Pages:

Are you curious to know more? Explore the Front Page Links below, with additional pages with lots of information not mentioned above.

Front Pages Links

Select and join or explore your type

Full list of features in all programs

>> Simple Secure Steps™ therapy process design.

>> The four innovations Volume Anchor™, Ascending Loudness™, Timed Access™ and Natural Intervals™.

>> Therapy process in five steps, plus future Maintain Success stage.

>> Timed access to each step with minimum time to increase safety for animal.

>> Solutions for eight types with dedicated lists of signs of fear and phobia to monitor the process:

  • Dogs
  • Outdoor cats
  • Indoor cats
  • Horses
  • Pet birds
  • Small mammals (rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters)
  • Exotic pets (chinchilla, degu, fancy mice, fancy rats, fennec fox, ferret, gerbils, African pygmy hedgehog, sugarglider and pot-bellied pigs)
  • Households with various types of pets.

>> Streaming audio players in five steps for: 1 Random playback, 2 choose individual sounds. 3 create your own custom playlist.

>> Custom number of sounds for horses and outdoor cats.

>> Counter conditioning therapy sounds player (available in Step 4).

>> Reminder and encouragement emails, customized for each step and each animal type.

>> Comprehensive instructions customized for each animal type: Quick Focus, Infographic, Introductory instructions video, Main instructions, Important details, Scary event coming?, How young?

>> Additional instructions: Keep everyone happy, 6 factors of success, Audio devices advice, MP3 files advice, How to burn a CD advice.

>> Information form templates to write down progress

>> Video therapy in five steps with fireworks and thunder/lightning.

>> Self service use.

>> Send in suggestions for improvement.

>> Machine translations widget (24 languages).

Upgrade options

>> Premium upgrade: With one-on-one support tickets to get personalized answers and advice, downloads, book club.

>> Extra upgrade option (with Basic self-service): Download audio MP3 files and video therapy MP4 files.

>> Simple Secure Steps™ therapy process design.

>> The four innovations Volume Anchor™, Ascending Loudness™, Timed Access™ and Natural Intervals™.

>> Therapy process in five steps, plus future Maintain Success stage.

>> Timed access to each step with minimum time to increase safety for animal.

>> Solutions for eight types with dedicated lists of signs of fear and phobia to monitor the process:

  • Dogs
  • Outdoor cats
  • Indoor cats
  • Horses
  • Pet birds
  • Small mammals (rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters)
  • Exotic pets (chinchilla, degu, fancy mice, fancy rats, fennec fox, ferret, gerbils, African pygmy hedgehog, sugarglider and pot-bellied pigs)
  • Households with various types of pets.

>> Streaming audio players in five steps for: 1 Random playback, 2 choose individual sounds. 3 create your own custom playlist.

>> Custom number of sounds for horses and outdoor cats.

>> Counter conditioning therapy sounds player (available in Step 4).

>> Reminder and encouragement emails, customized for each step and each animal type.

>> Comprehensive instructions customized for each animal type: Quick Focus, Infographic, Introductory instructions video, Main instructions, Important details, Scary event coming?, How young?

>> Additional instructions: Keep everyone happy, 6 factors of success, Audio devices advice, MP3 files advice, How to burn a CD advice.

>> Information form templates to write down progress

>> Video therapy in five steps with fireworks and thunder/lightning.

>> Self service use.

>> Send in suggestions for improvement.

>> Machine translations widget (24 languages).

Upgrade options

>> Premium upgrade: With one-on-one support tickets to get personalized answers and advice, downloads, book club.

>> Extra upgrade option (with Basic self-service): Download audio MP3 files and video therapy MP4 files.


Do you want to have the audio MP3 files to play on an MP3 audio player that is not online or burn your own CDs? Do you want to play MP4 video files (the video therapy) not streaming from the Internet?

Downloads are included in the Premium options. Downloads are an additional upgrade for a one-time fee, with the Basic Self-service program options.  Upgrade on the payment page, by clicking the applicable box if you want downloads. You can also order download upgrade later.

Downloads Overview
More Program

  • Main therapy sounds: 46 audio MP3 files x 5 Steps = 230 files
  • Counter conditioning: 47 audio MP3 files
  • 1 piano tune audio file
  • Total: 278 audio MP3 files
  • 2 x 5 video therapy MP 4 files + piano tune video file = 11 files
  • Total: 289 files
  • Total: 28 .zip folders
  • Total file sizes: Audio 740MB, video 1.3GB (2 GB total)

Note: Outdoor cats and Horses solutions have slightly different numbers of files.

Downloads Overview
Advanced Program

  • Main therapy sounds: 77 audio MP3 files x 5 Steps = 385 files
  • Counter conditioning: 89 audio MP3 files
  • 1 piano tune audio file
  • Total: 475 audio MP3 files
  • 2 x 5 video therapy MP 4 files + piano tune video file = 11 files
  • Total: 486 files
  • Total: 35 .zip folders
  • Total file sizes: Audio 1.2GB, video 1.3GB (2.5 GB total)

Note: Outdoor cats and Horses solutions have slightly different numbers of files.

Downloads Overview
Full Care Program 

  • Main therapy sounds: 184 audio MP3 files x 5 Steps = 920 files
  • Counter conditioning: 329 audio MP3 files
  • 1 piano tune audio file
  • Total: 1250 audio MP3 files
  • 2 x 5 video therapy MP 4 files + piano tune video file = 11 files
  • Total: 1261 files
  • Total: 71 .zip folders
  • Total file sizes: Audio 3.1GB, video 1.3GB (4.4 GB total)

Note: Outdoor cats solution has slightly different numbers of files.

MP3/MP4 Downloads
More Program

$9.90 additionally

(One-time payment in addition to the recurring subscription fees of a Basic self-service subscription, excl. local taxes. If you want to download files, click the applicable checkbox on the order page.)

MP3/MP4 Downloads
Advanced Program

$14.90 additionally

(One-time payment in addition to the recurring subscription fees of a Basic self-service subscription, excl. local taxes. If you want to download files, click the applicable checkbox on the order page.)

MP3/MP4 Downloads
Full Care Program

$19.90 additionally

(One-time payment in addition to the recurring subscription fees of a Basic self-service subscription, excl. local taxes. If you want to download files, click the applicable checkbox on the order page.)

Already decided? Join program

The programs of WeStopFear are offered as:

  • Basic Self-service, where members manage their own process referring to comprehensive instructions and training videos.
  • Premium that also include personal one-on-one support tickets to get answers and advice on their individual process, with MP3/MP4 downloads and Book Club.

Click to join your option, or view more information above on this page.

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I am looking at WeStopFear, a new and innovative solution that helps pet and horse owners free them from fear of noises that can be very devastating. Do you own a pet or a horse? Take a look at https://www.westopfear.com

Stock images from 123rf.com, model release contracts, (referral link). - Infographics by WeStopFear © Copyright TopFauna LLC.