Save your pet (any type)
or horse from FEAR
Access the new and innovative solutions designed to help your pet or horse be less likely to be affected by illogical fear of noises, which can be a serious burden for them and you.

Do you want your pet or horse to live their lives and FEEL and THINK that they are safer and more secure in your world?

Learn below how to help your pet or horse be less likely to be affected by illogical fear of noises, which can be a serious burden for them and you.

Your pet or horse can be tormented from unnecessary fear of noises - starting at any time without warning
Noise phobia is illogical fear of sounds that we humans know are harmless, but our pets and horses don't necessarily know that. Up to 50% of dogs, 60% of pets and 80% of horses can have from saddening anxiety to frantic fear when they hear unknown noises.
Out in nature, the basic instinct of animals is to respond to unknown stimuli such as unknown, uncomfortable sounds with suspicion, since it might be something that threatens their life. They often react with short-lived fear and to flee for safety.
In our care they cannot easily flee. This can send pets into sudden fear, and in some cases even devastate their lives. It can lead to pets and horses going missing, to them being injured, or even lead to untimely death. It can also put the owners at risk.
This potentially painful or dangerous problem can happen to any animal type with sensitive hearing and can occur at any time, unannounced. There are millions of instances every year. Take action today and reduce your risk of this happening to your pet or horse!

This fear can be:
- Fear of fireworks or thunderstorms
- Fear of traffic sounds or outdoor machinery
- Fear of vacuum cleaners or other indoor appliances
- Fear of just about any sound
Dogs, pets and horses can get scared of just about any sound. It is simply a question of how suddenly and how uncomfortably the sound appears. When frightened, they can become irrational and less fun to be with, and even pose a danger to themselves or others.
Have you heard about this problem? A good example is when horses ran amok in London in April 2024. On your favorite search engine, try searching for keyword phrases like "horses run amok London", "horse loses control at king's coronation", "[your pet type] noise phobia", "[your pet type] scared of sounds", "[your pet type] fear of fireworks and thunderstorms" (insert your pet type - dog, cat, parrot, etc.)
Solution: Noise Phobia Therapy
Luckily, a rather simple method exists to prevent or handle this problem: Noise phobia therapy. The conventional solution, developed after the 1950s, is to play various sounds for a pet or horse, following a simple system, so that they experience that nothing dangerous happens.
Various solutions of the conventional kind have been available, as audio CDs or downloadable sets of audio MP3 files. The handler starts by playing the sounds very low, so low that it is like a whisper. The sounds are so low that the pet or horse hardly bothers about them.
Gradually, over days and weeks, the sound volume is increased. In the end, the pet or horse is hearing the sounds at full volume, but has gotten used to them and is not scared. Thus, it is less likely to be frightened when it hears the actual sounds naturally at full volume.
When this method is employed to prevent a problem, it is called habituation. When it is used to try to deal with a problem already formed, it is called desensitization.
Possible drawbacks
The founder of WeStopFear started carefully analyzing the classical noise phobia therapy method, which has usually been in the form of an audio CD or a set of audio MP3 sounds.
The founder noticed several factors that he believed could be a drawback, making the method cumbersome and confuting, and this could explain why it doesn't seem to be a general rule among the majority of pet and horse owners to implement this.
These drawbacks may mean that pet owners are simply too busy with the tasks of their normal lives to do this, as a generally accepted standard practice.
You can read more about the possible drawbacks on this page, and then come back.

Careful analysis searching for improvement
The founder started speculating about the classical one-CD, or one-MP3-set, process design, to try to find ways to improve it. He employed methods of process analysis, process re-design and quality management.
The results are a new process design called Simple Secure Steps™, with the innovations that have been named Volume Anchor™, Timed Access™, Ascending Loudness™ and Natural Intervals™. The goal behind the innovations was to offer a process design that many users would hopefully see as easier, simpler, safer, more natural and more bearable than the classical method.
The new method is now offered as the WeStopFear noise phobia therapy.
You can read more about the careful analysis and development of the solution, and then come back.
WeStopFear is systematically designed for improvement
The most extensive noise phobia therapy solution in history and the first innovation in this field since around 2010 that we know of.
Safer for your pet or horse
Possible mistakes are “designed out” of the process and made close-to-impossible. Natural Intervals make it more likely that your animal will endure the process well. With future maintenance of success.
Simpler and easier for you
The innovations of Volume Anchor, Ascending Loudness, Timed Access and Natural Intervals make these Simple Secure Steps easier, simpler and safer for you to implement.
All types interfaces
For ALL types of pets and horses. User experience, graphics, extensive instructions, and list of fear signs are focused for each animal type. You will feel “at home” with your type.
Who is this for?
Fear of harmless noises can happen to any pet or horse, including yours. The likelihood is high: Up to 50% occurrence of fear among working and herding dog breeds, up to 60% among other pets, up to 80% among horses, (because of fireworks sounds). Any other sound can be experienced as potentially scary, it is just a question of the context and situation for each individual.
Doing this to try to prevent these problems is highly advisable for all pet and horse owners, as you don't know who will need it, and likelihood increases with higher age (among dogs). If the pet or horse is already fearful then this is very necessary.
Verdict: WeStopFear is for all pet types and horses
Access to a membership area with therapy sounds in streaming audio players, pre-set to correct volumes. Five steps and a continuing Maintain Success stage. Click to read about 10 points on that:
You will implement the new therapy process designed to be easier, simpler, safer and more natural. Simply prepare your setup, click the play button, and do what you like. Click to read about 6 points on that:
Your pet or horse benefits from the most extensive therapy solution available today, enabling it to live a more carefree, fear free life, where it is used to a large number of sounds instead of possible risk of shock.

Dogs (Family Dogs)
Is your dog in danger of being thrown into the grips of non-sensical fear? This fear can lower your dog’s quality of life, or in its most serious form can devastate your dog’s psychology, give you pain and worries, cause injury or property damage, and even wreck its life? Hopefully not, but it could happen.
Every year millions of dog owners are worried, instead of happily enjoying relationships with equally happily carefree dogs. Your best bet to try to prevent this or heal an already problem is to conduct noise phobia therapy. For dogs, the WeStopFear Advanced program fits well, designed to be easier and safer than before. It is more comprehensive than any solution that was previously available, and only surpassed by the Full Care program (below).

Trained Service and Competition Dogs
Dogs that receive special training, such as assistance dogs for disabled and blind people, K9 police dogs, protection dogs, search and rescue trained dogs, need to be especially well balanced and with the minimum likelihood of becoming stressed or fearful because of various sounds that they may hear in the various places they encounter. Hopefully there will not be any problem associated with fear of noises, but it is still a possibility.
For this reason, it is here recommended that handlers of these types of dogs consider giving them noise phobia therapy training of the most comprehensive program, the WeStopFear Full Care program. The Full Care program is the most extensive program of this kind that has ever been developed and made available to the public.
On the comparison page for all the programs, you can study the difference between the Advanced and Full Care programs.

Outdoor Cats
Is your outdoor cat in danger of being thrown into the grips of non-sensical fear? Hopefully not, but it is possible.
Outdoor cats are generally exposed to a greater variety of sounds than indoor cats. This is both a strength and a threat, since the greater number of different sounds also increases the likelihood that the outdoor cat will encounter sounds that make it fearful.
A fearful cat is less enjoyable to be around and may be more likely to bite and scratch. Also, if the outdoor cat feels insecure, then the cat may decide to leave your home and seek what it determines is a safer place elsewhere. In other words, your cat may become missing and you don’t see it again.
For outdoor cats, the WeStopFear Advanced program should be considered. It is more comprehensive than any solution that was previously available, and only surpassed by the Full Care program.

Indoor Cats
Is your indoor cat in danger of being thrown into the grips of non-sensical fear? Hopefully not, but it is possible. Every year, hundreds of thousands or even millions of cats are facing an unnecessary fear that can lower their quality of life, or in its most serious form can devastate their psychology.
A fearful cat is less enjoyable to be around and may be more likely to bite and scratch. Also, it is more likely to find itself a hiding place inside the home.
For indoor cats, the WeStopFear More program should be good. It has a slightly more emphasis on indoor sounds and is more comprehensive than any noise phobia therapy solution that has previously been available for pets.

Is there a risk that your horse may plunge into irrational fear of some noises it hears and does not understand? Hopefully not in a dangerous way, but in general the answer is YES.
As prey animal in nature, the horse is potentially a highly strung animal with a sympathetic nervous system that is ready to spring into forceful escape at a split-second notice. A horse that spooks because of a sound can put itself, the rider and others in life-threatening danger. In this regard, horses are potentially more dangerous than any of the pet types that people keep, as the riders often sit with their head up to 10 feet above the ground. Falling off the back of a fleeing horse can be a deadly serious situation.
Noise phobia therapy deals with the audible stimuli, and the greater the number of sounds a horse (preferably from the young age) becomes used to, the better. The WeStopFear Full Care program is the most comprehensive solution ever offered. Your life may be more secure with it.

Pet Birds
Is your pet bird in danger of being thrown into the grips of non-sensical fear, because of sounds it does not understand? Hopefully you will not have to encounter that, but it is nevertheless possible.
Thousands of bird owners experience that their relationship with their birds is deteriorated because of unnecessary fear. The bird may become aloof and hide itself, it may thrash itself or pluck its feathers. And a fearful bird is more likely to become violent. Parrots with powerful beaks can get dangerous for the owner or can damage furniture.
For pet birds, the WeStopFear More program should be sufficient. It has a slightly more emphasis on indoor sounds and is more comprehensive than any noise phobia therapy solution that has previously been available for pets.

Small Mammals
Is your small mammal pet(s) (rabbit, guinea pig or hamster) in danger of being burdened by fear of sounds that are actually not dangerous? Hopefully they will live felling relaxed and secure, but this fear is still very possible.
As small prey animals in nature, they are naturally prone to being very wary of sounds they don’t know, and they don’t like to be “trapped” in their cages while the possible danger associated by this sound seems to be approaching. Every year, thousands of small mammals experience this, leading to lower quality of life, biting behavior or even untimely death for those sensitive animals.
For small mammal pets, the WeStopFear More program is a good solution. It has a slightly more emphasis on indoor sounds and is more comprehensive than any noise phobia therapy solution that has previously been available.

Exotic Pets
Is your exotic pet in danger of becoming burdened by unnecessary fear of sounds, that are actually coming from things that pose no danger to these pets? Exotic pets might be species like chinchilla, degu, fancy mice, fancy rats, fennec fox, ferret, gerbils, hedgehog, sugarglider and pot-bellied pigs. Hopefully your exotic pet will not be suddenly burdened by some sound it does not recognize, but it is still a possibility.
This could lead to a lower quality of life, or even injury or damage to your pet or yourself.
For exotic pets, the WeStopFear More program is a good solution. It has a slight focus on indoor sounds than the other programs and is more extensive than any previous program aimed at pets.

Households with Various Types of Pets
Are your pets of various types in danger of suddenly becoming burdened by fear of sounds they don’t understand? Hopefully all will be okay with your beloved pets, but this is still a possibility.
Every year millions of pet owners experience a lower quality of life, insecurity, a burden on their emotions, or even a wrecked life with injury or damage for the pet or the owner.
If your group of pets of various types includes a dog or outdoor cat, then the WeStopFear Advanced program would be the best choice. But if you own other types of pets, then the WeStopFear More program would probably be the most sensible choice. Both are more comprehensive than any noise phobia therapy solution previously available for pets.
Are you handling both horse(s) and pet(s)?
If you own both a horse(s) and pet(s) of some type then the Full Care program is recommended for the horse. You can also play those sounds for your pet at home, as the Full Care playlists are more place-focused in five random players instead of two. You can also select your sounds and play them as your custom playlist. Your pet will benefit from the greater number of sounds in the Full Care program.

Many Sizes Fit All: Four Programs
Not all pets or horses have the same needs. WeStopFear comes in four programs of different extensiveness, to suit different needs. The main difference between the programs is extensiveness, or number of therapy sounds included.
Each of the four programs contains eight solutions for all types of pets and horses: Solution for dogs, outdoor cats, indoor cats, horses, pet birds, small mammals, exotic pets, and for various types of pets. You can run one pets solution at a time, and the horses solution simultaneously. You can start or stop a solution any time you want.
So you choose your program according to your preferences and budget. No matter what type of pet or horse you own, the program has solutions for all of them
Full Care program: Recommended for horses, trained competition and service pets, in complex indoors, outdoors places for the most extensive therapy available anywhere today. A stressed and unpredictable horse can be a serious threat to the rider's health, and the Full Care program is for those who want to work on reducing that risk, as well as protect their horse.
Advanced program: Recommended for pets in often noisy locations, inside and outside, where you want a very solid and good therapy with a large number of sounds.
More program: Recommended for pets in relatively quieter and less intensive places, who don't go much outdoors or are not in very noisy places, and interact less.

The Basic program is the fourth and least extensive program. In terms of the number of sounds, it is similar to most noise phobia therapy solutions that have been available in the market. But it still has most of the additional support features of the higher programs, and a dedicated solution area inside the member’s area for all the eight different pet type solutions and horses.
The Basic program is a solid foundational solution, although the higher programs will arguably serve your pet or horse better with the greater number of sounds. Animals' perception of sounds and locations is rather specific, so a new nuance of sound in a new location can trigger fear. For that reason, the greatest variety of sounds gives your pet or horse the greatest protection!
Full Care Program
Recommended for horses, trained competition and service pets for the most extensive therapy that has ever been made available in history.
Random play:
160 sounds
Choose, create custom:
184 sounds
Counter conditioning:
329 sounds
Advanced Program
Recommended for pets in often noisy locations, inside and outside, where you want a very solid and good therapy with a large number of sounds.
Random play:
62 sounds
Choose, create custom:
77 sounds
Counter conditioning:
89 sounds
Recommended for pets in relatively quieter and less intensive places, who don't go much outdoors or are not in very noisy places, and interact less.
Random play:
44 sounds
Choose, create custom:
46 sounds
Counter conditioning:
47 sounds
Entry-level program. Similar number of sounds as in many paid CDs and MP3 sets but includes many additional features. A solid cost-conscious foundation.
Random play:
26 sounds
Choose, create custom:
26 sounds
Counter conditioning:
6 sounds

WeStopFear is a new solution that is systematically developed using the approach of managerial process analysis, process re-design, re-engineering and quality management to improve greatly on the drawbacks.
The key is simpler and easier execution for the handler
WeStopFear is designed with the goal of being safer, easier, simpler, more bearable and more extensive with solutions for all types of pets and horses which is a first in history, and with a horse or pet-type-focused encouragement and reminder email messaging possible to be active during the full lifespan of the pet or horse.
The five Simple Secure Steps of WeStopFear
The Simple Secure Steps innovation of WeStopFear divides the process into five steps. The handler will set the volume to a one standard volume in a particular location on a particular audio playback device. That is called the Volume Anchor.
The volume of the sound files provided is then pre-set to the correct volume in each step, from very low in Step 1 to full volume in Step 5. That is called Ascending Loudness. The handler only gets access to Step 1 in the beginning, and then one by one step as the process progresses. That is called Timed Access. This means that the mistake of playing too loudly, too early, is practically eliminated.
If the audio playback device has markings or numbers by the volume button or on a screen, the handler will write down that volume information. This will be the volume setting on that playback device in that location every time. No need to investigate and evaluate, and set the volume manually each time. This makes setting the volume becomes simpler and also safer, and an important part of the Simple Secure Steps design.
In real life, the sounds are not heard one directly after the other, with no space between. That is how it is on audio CD discs. In the audio track sets, intervals, silences of various lengths, are added after each sound, which means experiencing the sounds becomes more natural, and also more bearable, compared to the previous system design. This is called the Natural Intervals.

Video therapy to deal with visible stimuli
The WeStopFear noise phobia therapy deals with the audible stimuli (sounds you can hear). Along with sounds, visible factors can also be very scary for animals, and not less when visible and audible stimuli is combined. Fireworks, and thunder and lightning, can be among the most scary phenomena that animals can encounter. They don't understand fireworks and don't realize that they are managed by humans to have fun!
Along with the main Simple Secure Steps noise phobia therapy, an innovative video therapy has also been developed. It is an experimental method, available with the More, Advanced and Full Care programs. It combines visuals and sounds in five steps, and is run independently.
Try the 5 step playback and explore video therapy:
Learn about your path through the process
Further learning:
Are you curious to know more? Explore the Front Page Links below, with additional pages with lots of information not mentioned above.
Front Pages Links
Types Solutions
Walk through screencast video
Sounds and videos
Try the 5 steps therapy sounds players
Sounds in programs (most types)
Sounds in Solutions for Horses
Sounds in Solutions for Outdoor Cats
Explore the 5 step video therapy
Further Information
Various information from around the web
Short comparison of WeStopFear and conventional process
What is noise phobia or fear of noises?
Conventional Noise Phobia Therapy
Comparing solutions in the market
A new standard practice for pets and horses?
The book
The book "Pets and Horses Should Not Have To Live In Fear Of Noises", written by the innovator behind WeStopFear and the Simple Secure Steps, is available on as Print version or Kindle version.
Chapter: About animal types, fear of sounds, and noise phobia (page 23)
Chapter: Is this new method the best method available? (page 147)
The Story: Why and how WeStopFear was developed (page 160)
About the author and developer (page 189)
Merch and designs
The merch collections and DuFauna designs are designed by the innovator behind WeStopFear and the Simple Secure Steps.
Would you like to talk about this?
Millions of pets and horses are in danger of becoming burdened by this problem, but their owners don't know about noise phobia therapy or this innovation. If you would like to tell about this page you are exploring, click below to share the front page of WeStopFear on Facebook, Linkedin or X (formerly Twitter). You can add your comment or copy and paste the text below.
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I am looking at WeStopFear, a new and innovative solution that helps pet and horse owners free them from fear of noises that can be very devastating. Do you own a pet or a horse? Take a look at
* About program recommended for special training service dogs (and other service animals): For those, being well balanced and calm, and not prone to fits of fear because of sounds is most important, and therefore the most extensive Full Care program is suggested. But WeStopFear is only about noise phobia and therapy for that problem, and does not contain any training advice. There is a huge number of websites and books offering training advice for all types of pets and dogs.)
** About the reviews: The reviews are about the solution on the website which was created for Icelandic pet owners to test the Simple Secure Steps innovation for fear of fireworks sounds, and the two US reviews are about the program as it was being developed. Reviews of WeStopFear will be asked for from users and will be posted as soon as they are available.
*** Needing to find the right volume setting only once on a playback device in a particular location is based on if there are some markings or numbers by the volume button, or on a LCD screen, on the audio playback device, so you can set the volume each time to that volume level. You will write down that volume setting and set it to this same volume setting each time in that place, throughout all the steps. This is the Volume Anchor™, i.e. the volume setting is anchored at this same level all the time. If there are no markings of any kind on the playback device, then you will need to find that same volume setting each time you play, by playing the piano tune, the Volume Anchor. You will set to the same volume level each time, but you just cannot see a number by the volume button that helps you to set the same volume each time. Note that if you use this same audio playback device in a different location, you may find that another volume setting is correct for that location. This can be because the acoustical character of the locations are different, for instance inside a small room where the sound bounces off the walls, and outside where the sound "disappears" into the void, so you need to set the volume louder outside.
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