Comparing solutions in the market

The following columnar chart and list compares various noise phobia therapy products that are or have been available in the market, with the WeStopFear programs. The comparison is in the number of sounds included.

Some of the other products are no longer available. This is probably because they were available on CDs, which is a musical format that has largely been abandoned by the market.

The columnar chart shows the number of sounds that came with each product. The list below lists the products. The black numbers are therapy sounds for random playback, while the red numbers are counter conditioning sounds. The dark red columns are WeStopFear and affiliated.

Chart showing the number of sounds in different noise phobia therapy products

1 - WeStopFear Full Care Program - 184- 329
2 - WeStopFear Advanced Program - 77 - 89
3 - WeStopFear More Program - 46 - 47
4 - Spook Less Trail Riding Edition for horses - 45
5 - Sound therapy for dogs - Scary noises - 36
6 - Clix Noises & Sounds CD - 30
7 - Noise Phobia Free Basic Program - 26 - 6
8 - Puppy sounds Dean Lake - 25
9 - Sounds for Hounds - 21
10 - Through a Cat's Ear - 21
11 - Calm Sound Calm Pet - 18
12 - Sound Socialization - 17
13 - Master's Voice Gunshy Cure System - 15 (Music mix *)
14 - The Canine Noise Phobia Series - Full 4-CD Set (Victoria Stilwell) - 15 (3 sound types, 5 sounds each. Music mix *)
15 - Sounds Scary! Disc 1 Guns Fireworks - 4 - 21
16 - Sounds Scary! Disc 2 Weather and counterconditioning - 4 - 19
17 - F7 Sound and Vision: Suburban Thunder - 1
18 - Sound Sensabilities - 1

* Music mix is my name for the noise phobia therapy system, where therapy sounds in gradually increasing volume is mixed with classical or baroque music in gradually decreasing volume.

Choose your pet type or horse solution introduction:

Dogs, outdoor catsindoor cats, horsespet birds, small mammals, exotic pets, and households with various types of pets.

(Small mammals include rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters. Exotic pets include chinchilla, degu, fancy mice, fancy rats, fennec fox, ferret, gerbils, hedgehog, sugarglider and pot-bellied pig. Various types of pets are any pet types combination excluding horses.)

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