For specially trained service dogs, the Full Care Program is recommended.
Apart from that, refer to the Solution for Dogs intro page, those information are valid for dogs.
Special training service dogs, as they are defined here, would be police dogs (K9 dogs), assistance dogs for the blind and disabled, and the like. They receive intensive training to be able to do their special tasks. These dogs need to be especially stable and not likely to become anxious because of environmental factors.
These dogs would need noise phobia therapy training just like other dogs. They will probably benefit from getting the most extensive noise phobia therapy training available. This would make them even better tolerant to various sounds, and make it less likely that they will become scared because of various sudden, unexplained noises.
For that reason, the Full Care Program is suggested.
The Full Care Program is the most extensive noise phobia therapy solution ever offered in terms of the number of therapy sounds that the animals get used to. The larger the number and diversity of sounds that animals get used to, the better they are habituated to sounds in the environment. They become more "worldly wise", and better prepared to become used to new sounds.
Apart from this recommendation, the introduction for specially trained service dogs is the same as for dogs in general. So you are advised to see that page. Instead of joining the Advanced Program, you would join the Full Care Program. Both programs, (all programs), have the eight solutions for all the types of pets and horses.
Please note that WeStopFear does not offer training resources for K9 dogs, assistance dogs for the blind or disabled, and similar dog roles. WeStopFear only offers the solution to give animals noise phobia therapy. These animals all hear sounds in the environment in the same way, the same places, at the same volume, so the noise phobia therapy training is essentially the same for all of them.

Recommended for specially trained service dogs: Full Care